
Joey Martin Testimonial Jersey Sponsorship

  • Reading Time
  • Published Date 24 Mar 2025

martin-goal-v-sheffield-feb-12-RB.jpgWe are celebrating a decade of #88 Joey Martin on the 14th June and we are offering you the opportunity to sponsor one of the players on the roster. 

WHAT DO YOU GET? - As a player sponsor, your name/logo will feature on the player’s jerseys.  You will also receive one of the player's jerseys to keep after the testimonial event and get a photo with the sponsored player.

WHO CAN SPONSOR A PLAYER? - The player sponsorship package is open to businesses or individuals.  Player sponsorship starts from £400. martin-ref-v-coventry-dec-28-RB.jpg

WHAT PLAYERS ARE AVAILABLE? - Below are the players currently announced for the testimonial game and available to sponsor.  If you would like to go ahead and secure a sponsorship, please email us directly at [email protected] with your player choice. There are more players to follow and we will add to this list as and when they are confirmed. 

  • #27 - Joey Haddad
  • #11 - Stephen Dixon - SOLD
  • #33 - Ben Bowns
  • #30 - Mac Carruth
  • #24 - Andrew Hotham
  • #18 - Sam Jardine
  • #85 - Sean Bentivoglio
  • #17 - Mark Richardson
  • #47 - Jake Morrisette
  • #42 - Matt Pope
  • #91 - Bryce Reddick
  • #18 -  Brent Walton
  • #12 - Guillaume Doucet
  • #16 - Sam Duggan
  • #41 - Josh Batch
  • #5 - Ben Davies
  • #17 - Trevor Hendrikx
  • #8 - Matthew Myers
  • #21 - Luke Piggott
  • #77 - Bayley Harewood

WHAT IF MORE THAN ONE OF US WANT THE SAME PLAYER? - If we receive multiple sponsorship offers for the same player, you will be contacted and invited to submit your highest and final bid. Please submit your sponsorship request by the deadline of March 24th at midnightAll confirmed player sponsors will be contacted by week commencing 24 March.

marty-jersey.jpgHOW MANY JERSEYS WILL THERE BE ? - Each player will have 3 jerseys (white, green, black).  The sponsors' logo will be on all 3 jerseys, and the sponsor gets first choice of which jersey they want.  One of the remaining jerseys will go into a post-game auction and one will go into an online raffle. 

If you still haven't got your tickets for Joey Martin's Testimonial on the 14th of June - CLICK HEREJoey-Martin-Testimonial---Tickets-On-Sale---1920x1080.jpg